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376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

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Have any Questions? +01 123 444 555

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

The SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION has drafted this privacy policy in anticipation of the future revision of the Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG) and the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in the EU (EU-GDPR). SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION hereby provides comprehensive information on how your data is handled.

SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION reserves the right to change the content of this privacy policy when new or modified services are provided, or legal changes necessitate an adjustment. This is done as long as the changes are reasonable for the user, taking into account the interests of SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION.

2. Scope

SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION processes personal data obtained from its customers in the course of business relationships. Additionally, SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION processes personal data collected from publicly accessible sources (e.g., commercial register or websites) to the extent necessary for providing its own services.

SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION uses personal data without further consent solely to enable the use of the offered services and to fulfill and process requests and registrations. Further personal data is only collected, processed, and used with consent if this information is voluntarily provided, such as in the context of an inquiry, search query, or for the establishment, content design, or processing of an inquiry, as well as for billing purposes, and is necessary for answering or processing.

3. Data Disclosure

SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION generally does not disclose personal data to third parties unless this disclosure has been expressly agreed upon for the stated purposes, or disclosure is expressly allowed or required by law.

However, the prohibition of data disclosure does not apply to the extent that SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION is obliged to provide information about inventory data to third parties, particularly state authorities, upon order of the competent authorities, in individual cases, as far as this is necessary for law enforcement purposes or for enforcing SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION's intellectual property rights, and due to other applicable legal provisions. Further consent is not required for this.

4. Purpose of Processing Personal Data

SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION is permitted to collect, process, and use data collected in the course of using the provided services for the purpose of its own consultation, its own advertising, especially for improving the products and services offered by us. Furthermore, if necessary, we may transmit the collected data to service partners involved in the provision, as long as the purpose of the data is preserved.

However, the sharing is only done to the extent necessary and absolutely required.

5. Data Security

Personal data is transmitted encrypted over the Internet on the website as well as in the offered services. SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION secures all offered services through technical and organizational measures according to recognized market standards against loss, access, destruction, manipulation, dissemination, and distribution of your data by unauthorized persons.

SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION operates an ISMS (Information Security Management System), which is regularly developed and certified within the framework of ISO 21007.

6. Web Analysis

The company's website, SARA ADUSE (but not other services), uses the web analysis service Google Analytics (Google Ltd. Ireland, Dublin). Data collection with this tool can be both anonymous and personally identifiable. It is generally possible that the collected data will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA. SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION, however, has no detailed knowledge of which data is transmitted to third-party providers, where they are transmitted, and whether they are anonymized. SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION cannot assign this data to specific individuals.

No merging of this data with other data sources is carried out. The storage and statistical evaluation of this non-assignable data is only for ensuring system security and the security of user data (e.g., detecting program errors or attacks on the system).

If you do not wish for data to be collected by Google Analytics, please visit the following link for further information: which is generated and processed within SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION, does not undergo web analysis.

7. Cookies

SARA ADUSE and other integrated systems use so-called cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your device using your browser. They do not cause any harm. SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION can use cookies to make its own offer user-friendly. Some cookies remain on your device until you delete them. This allows SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION to recognize your browser on your next visit.

If you do not want this, you can set up your browser so that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you only allow this for the website on a case-by-case basis. Disabling cookies can restrict the functionality of the website.

8. Newsletter

You have the option to subscribe to a newsletter at SARA ADUSE For this, we need your email address and your declaration that you agree to receive the newsletter.

You can cancel the newsletter subscription at any time. Please send your cancellation to the following email address: SARA ADUSE FOUNDATION will then immediately delete your data related to the newsletter distribution.

9. Your Rights

According to legal data protection provisions, you have the right to information about the data stored about you, their origin and recipients, as well as the purpose of storage and the right to correction, blocking, or deletion of your stored data.

If deletion is opposed by legal, contractual, commercial, or tax retention periods or reasons, your data will be blocked instead.

Copyright 2024 Sara Aduse Foundation
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