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FGM (female genital mutilation) is a barbaric practice that is still practiced in many countries around the world. But it has no place in 2023. Here are the reasons why FGM must be abolished for good in 2023:
- Violation of human rights
- No medical necessity
- Gender equality
- Progress toward ending it
- Growing international support
1. It is a violation of human rights. FGM violates the basic human rights of girls and women. It is a cruel and inhumane practice that causes physical and psychological pain. Every girl and woman has the right to integrity and bodily autonomy.
No medical necessity
2. There's really no medical need for it. FGM doesn't bring any medical benefits and actually poses a threat to the health and well-being of girls and women. It can lead to infections, bleeding, pain when peeing, period issues, infertility, and even death.
Gender equality
3. It's a matter of gender equality. FGM is often a practice rooted in gender discrimination. Girls and women are mutilated to keep them chaste and submissive, or to increase their marriage prospects. This patriarchal approach contradicts gender equality and therefore must be abolished.
Progress in ending
4. There is progress in ending FGM. In recent years, many countries and organizations have actively campaigned for the cessation of FGM. There is increased awareness, education, and more resources aimed at ending FGM. There are also many FGM survivors who are actively working to support others and put an end to this harmful practice.
Increasing international support
5. There is growing international support. More and more governments and international organizations are speaking out against FGM and actively working towards its cessation. This support is crucial to create a broader movement to end FGM and to provide the necessary resources.
FGM is a cruel practice that must have no place in our society in 2023.
It is a violation of human rights, a threat to the health, well-being of girls and women, and it is contrary to gender equality.
It is time for us to come together as a global community and actively work to end this harmful practice.